Romanian Folk Costumes |
1969 - 1985
Dedicated to Romanian Dancers
The regional costumes of Dolj, Arges (Argesh) and Timisoara (Timishoara) are shown below, on a set issued on February 15, 1969, Sc. 2064-2069. The designer was also Aida Tasgian-Constantinescu.
On November 28, 1977 the Romania postal administration has issued a set of 6 colorful stamps and a souvenir sheet dedicated to one of the most popular folk dances, named Calusarii (Calusharii). Scott 2748-2755, Mi.3474-3479. Block 145. Print run: 200,000 complete sets; 150,000 sheets.
The Romanian word cal, from which the word calusarii is derived, means in English horse. This is the reason why the dancers, always fully in movement, have sticks in their hands, representing whips. |
The sheet below displays the next generation of terrible dancers.
See above on the right and below women's and men's costumes from the same region, printed in continuous design. The were issued on September 28, 1985, Sc. 3314-3321, Mi. 4185-4192. The print run for the full set was of 200,000 pieces.
The stamps display costumes from the following regions: Muscel, Bistrita-Nasaud (Bistritza), Vrancea (Vranchea) and Vālcea. The designer is the same artist Aida Tasgian-Constantinescu who designed some earlier costumes sets (see above and on the first page).