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Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty
Thomas Jefferson

   V.M.: After we had The Year of the Tiger, now we have The Year of the Rabbit. It has to be something of great importance to mankind, if we consider the quantity of stamps issued worldwide to celebrate these events. It is the
presentation of the Canadian stamp and souvenir sheet, from the magazine Canada's Stamps Details, Vol. VIII No. 1 - 1999 that attracted my attention. In two languages we can read that "The rabbit is one of 12 animals, often referred to as 'earth branches' in the Chinese zodiac.The rat, tiger,..., snake, ... pig are the other astrological creatures... In Chinese folklore, the rabbit symbolizes longevity and is said to live for 1,000 years, turning white at the age of 500... It is said that each person has traits and qualities governed by his or her animal birth sign".
    After Merriam-Webster, astrology means: "divination based on the supposed influence of the stars upon human events", and zodiac means: "an imaginary belt in the heavens that encompasses the paths of most of the planets and that is divided into 12 constellations or signs".
   Chinese or not, astrology is just another attack on man's volition, dignity and his sense of responsibility. Because nobody can choose his birth date, he is condemned by the astrologists to have the traits of the zodiac he happened to be born into, something that he cannot escape his whole life. Astrology was the "science" that dominated the Dark Ages in Europe. Having a bad reputation for a long time, thanks to the development of sciences, it is pushed again by some new mystics, now under its less known Oriental form.
    Back to the Canadian issue: the rabbit, or more exactly a sketch of it, surrounded by some Chinese hieroglyphs is one of the less attractive and less interesting apparitions of rabbits on stamps, compared with some earlier, really nice issues. (Posted 1/31/99)

Hello Ralph,

As I have written earlier, I proposed in my systematics four "integration" levels:
1. The same theme, different designs. Stamps issued in national currencies and valid only in issuing countries. Example: 200th anniversary of Hiroshige, stamps issued in the same graphic arrangement by 17 countries, see my page dedicated to Hiroshige.
2. The same theme, the same design. Stamps issued in national currencies and valid only in issuing countries. Examples: Swiss-China ( or Denmark-Russia issues or some common European issues (Europe stamps)
3. The same theme, the same design, stamps issued in two or more national currencies and valid in two or more countries. Example: the Miniature Sheet of Romania (and Yugoslavia, Michel Block 10), year 1965, Iron Gate hydroelectric plant and dam, Scott 1747, Michel Block 60. The MS contains two Romanian and two Yugoslavian stamps. The whole MS was valid for postage in both countries, having a value of Lei 4 in Romania and of Dinar 500 in Yugoslavia. The best example is the the perfect joint issue of Switzerland with Liechtenstein (added later).
4. Future prevision (?). The stamps of the European Union, with the same or with different designs, in the same currency (Euro) and valid in all EU countries.

I prefer to consider as full (100%) joint issues the stamps satisfying the criteria mentioned under the point 3. (Posted 1/18/99)

   Actually the Gagarin S/S was issued by the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) and not by Russia, the last USSR stamps being issued the 12/12/91. Some sources maintain that Gagarin was the first Soviet man who came back alive from the space...
   Unfortunately the Scott catalogue does not make the distinction between the USSR and Russian stamps; Michel for instance does. (Posted 1/22/99)

   The Postal Service of Liechtenstein has announced that all Liechtenstein stamps issues before 1/1/1996 (with 4 exceptions) will loose their validity for the postage the 12/31/1999. The reason given by the Postal Service of Liechtenstein is the creation of the Liechtenstein Post LTD.
   The Liechtenstein government wrote that it knows that this announcement provoked a big interest in stamps circles (!) and that the deadline raised some questions. Therefore it started discussions with the involved circles to evaluate the situation. There are good chances, says the government, that the deadline will be prolonged.
  Source: Briefmarken aus dem Fürstentum Liechtenstein, issued in Jan. 1999. Up to each of us to interpret these statements :-) (posted 1/22/99)

Stephen Suffet wrote in message: Unhappy Anniversary!
   The first stamps of nominally independent Slovakia were placed on sale January 18, 1939.  Slovakia was in fact a puppet of Nazi Germany, and it declared its "independence" as part of the Nazi scheme to dismember Czechoslovakia, the one truly democratic regime of Central Europe. The Nazi scheme began with the seizure of the Sudetenland on October 1, 1938 (after the craven behavior of the British and French at Munich), and culminated in Nazi Germany declaring a "protectorate" over Bohemia and Moravia (i.e. what remained of Czechoslovakia) on March 15, 1939.

My answer: Just to remark that the Nazi Germany played its game on a favorable ground. Czechoslovakia has dismembered itself again recently and the first stamp of the new Slovakia was issued the 1st of January 1993. The 8th of February 1993 a new currency, the Sk = Slovakian Crown, was introduced, on a stamp displaying its president (!). (Posted 1/19/99)

David E. Ross wrote: Don't forget to update your fonts to support the Euro symbol.  My Web page contains a link to Micro$oft's free font pages, which contain Euro updates, and a test display to see if you are Euro-compatible.

V.M. Is the word written as Micro$oft, for a company that offers free fonts on its pages, simply a typographic mistake? (Posted 1/17/99. Have got no answer yet).


Revised: 01/08/00.
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